holiday season is upon us! For most of us, in some form or another, we are
preparing to celebrate a significant holiday, and in the spirit of the season,
I'll be giving away gifts throughout the month, ranging from books, swag,
surprise goodies and even Amazon gift cards! To be eligible to win, there is a
question you must answer at the end of each post. If you don't already know the
answer, all of the answers can be found somewhere on the blog – you simply have
to do a little search. Placing your answer in the comments automatically enters
you for a chance to win! Winners will be selected randomly.
To kick
off the celebration, here's some information I've picked up about various
holiday traditions in medieval England.
It's no
secret I have a particular affinity for the period in England's history that
occurs during the reign of Edward I. He plays a significant role in Warrior's Possession. He was considered one of the greatest kings England ever
had, or one of the most evil, depending on whom you're speaking to.
talked before about his adoration for his beloved Queen Eleanor, and the way he
built crosses in her honor upon her death. I've mentioned how ruthless he could
be. He called for the expulsion of all Jews from England, a ban which lasted
until 1657. There are many accounts of his fits of rage, which could pop up
with the slightest provocation. He was very tall – 6 foot 2 – and was an
imposing presence. He was also a great strategist and warrior, by all accounts,
and almost all of the time, whenever he set out to defeat his enemies, he did.
a many faceted man, with both faults and admirable traits. Not as despicable as
some other leaders throughout history, or even today, and his legacy is evident
in much of England's modern government.
I'm going to talk a little about how Christmas was celebrated during Edward's
time. While I do include a couple of feast scenes in Warrior's Possession, the
celebration of Christmas rose to a whole different level.
all European royalty of the era, the Christmas feast celebrated by Edward and
his court would have been extensively lavish. There are household records that
still exist to this day and they reveal the day-to-day expenses of a royal
household and how much went into serving a feast fit for a king. For such a
special occasion as Christmas, which lasted for several days, the cost would have
run into at least hundreds of thousands of dollars by today's standards.
Christmas season began on November 11, St. Martin's Feast (the kickoff of the
Forty Days of St. Martin, or what we now call Advent) and lasted through
January 6, or the Feast of the Epiphany. Often the Epiphany was more raucously
celebrated than Christmas Day. There would be music and entertainment by court
jongleurs, minstrels and mummers. But it was the food that was often the main
attraction, just like today.
dishes, such as goose and boar, were served, but in the king's household, there
would also be venison and swan – and a lot of it. After all, the king's court
and household consisted of hundreds of people. Hundreds of animals would have
been slaughtered to feed them all in a manner befitting the season.
The swans
in particular were quite a delicacy, and only a king could give permission for
it to be served on another noble's table. The birds were prepared by roasting
them after being covered with butter and saffron, and many times, they would be
arranged with their feathers reattached and their long necks elegantly set as
if they were still alive. I imagine they made quite a beautiful sight when
carried in to be set before the king.
with the venison is a dish called frumenty, a porridge made from cracked wheat,
eggs and either a meat broth or almond milk. Some versions also included dried
currants and fruits. There were also mince pies, a tradition even back then,
though in those days they included shredded meat inside as well. If I remember
correctly, the meat was removed from most common recipes in the Victorian age.
like today, there were many customs involved in the Christmas celebration. Many
of our current traditions have their roots in the celebrations of the medieval
era, though they came about in unexpected ways. And just like today, some of
these traditions were whimsical, some more somber. The king's celebration would
be no different, though was likely more lavish than those celebrated amongst
the villagers they ruled.
tradition was that of the Christmas Bishop. This consisted of the appointment
of boy bishops, chosen by the local church elders, and often occurred on December
28th, the day of the Feast of Holy Innocents massacred by King Herod (more on
that in a bit). The boy, likely from a lower class than the nobility or
royalty, might be dressed in vestments and celebrate a mock mass and even
include a sermon. After mass, he would then go out in a procession, and gifts
of money and food would be bestowed upon him. In 1299, Edward I himself had one
of the boy bishops say vespers before him. That would have been quite an honor,
for both the boy and his family. Think about it - being noticed by the king or
his nobles was the networking of the time, and since it was literally
face-to-face rather than online social media, probably more impactful for those
tradition of Christmas Bishops, however, is much more benign than another one connected
to the same day that is thankfully not celebrated anymore. There are a few
names for this day, but the most common are "Holy Innocents Day" or
"Childermass Day." As mentioned before, according to the Bible, December
28th is the day King Herod ordered the deaths of all male children under two
years of age, in an effort to kill the Baby Jesus. If you weren't lucky enough
to be selected as a boy bishop (or if you were a girl), you marked the day by
being beaten, as a reminder of Herod's cruelty. For most people, the day was
also considered to be bad luck, so chances are folks would have simply laid low
until the day ended and not undertaken any significant action in their lives,
be it getting married, building a home or making a monetary contract.
On a
lighter note, caroling is another custom that, while still in practice today,
was quite different in medieval England. In those days, "Carol" quite
literally meant to sing and dance in a circle and when church-goers did exactly
that, the bishops banned caroling and forced the singers to take the revelry to
the streets. Made for quite some fun and gaiety amidst what the Church tried to
keep a somber and sober remembrance. Personally, I think the people had it
right – if you believe, then you should celebrate!
final and most extravagant celebration came on Twelfth Night, or The Feast of
the Epiphany, when the arrival of the Three Kings bearing gifts of gold,
frankincense and myrrh made Jesus known to the world, according to Scripture. There
have been many ways to interpret the meaning of these gifts, but basically,
this telling of the birth of Jesus is what led to the gift-giving of today. Back
in Edward's day, it was the nobles who did a lot of the giving - to their villagers
and servants, or serfs who worked the lands. The gifts usually consisted of
clay pots with a slit in the top, and contained money. These pots had to be
broken to get to the money inside, and were called "piggies," the forerunners
of today's piggy banks.
the medieval Christmas celebration was quite extravagant, and encompassed all
manner of celebrations, both serious and silly. And many of those traditions
have evolved into the familiar traditions many of us celebrate today.
first prize I'm giving away this season is a copy of one of the titles
in my backlist, in either print or e-book format, along with some other fun
goodies. Answer this question by putting your answer in the comments below:
Name one of the "Eleanor Crosses" built by Edward I that is still standing.
A lot of good information here