Settle in and
have your drink of choice at hand – this is going to be a long one.
Way back in my
very early days on Twitter, I was known to tweet lots of song lyrics,
particularly on Fridays. Long story made short, I hope – Friday has always been
my "unwind" night, at least for the last almost 30 years. My routine,
so to speak, and it always involved cranking up my music – however it was being
played. Part of the reason my kids are such sound sleepers is that they learned
very early on how to tune out Mommy's music. Anyway, I moved out of my parents'
house right around the time CD's became the popular choice for playing music,
and landing a job at Sony helped me get my hands on a gorgeous rack system stereo.
Which for the time, was top of the line, and even with my windows closed, the
entire neighborhood could hear my music as if they were standing inside with
I've always been
a music lover and I have a wide range of favorites, from the early days of rock
to a lot of the music being put out today. I have my favorite types that I
prefer to listen to more than others – classic rock, southern rock, punk/new
wave, and yes, the dreaded Disco. Sorry, my formative years spanned the 70's and
the 80's. Say what you will, every era had their crap and their classic gems.
One of the
biggest effects my love of music has had is to inspire me to strive to capture
the emotion in a way that often has less than 200 words. I've always been
amazed at songwriters who can convey a whole array of emotions in such a few
words, or drive home an extreme feeling with only a line or two.
Bruce Springsteen,
to me, is THE one for me who tugs at my heart with just a simple turn of
phrase. I can't even begin to think of how many emotions that man has stirred
in me as I listen to his songs. Of course, the classics – Thunder Road,
Jungleland, EVERYTHING on Darkness, Point Blank, No Surrender, Tunnel of Love,
Human Touch – okay, you get the point, and I could go on for hours listing all
the songs that hit all the sweet spots in my musical nirvana. Don't get me
started on his newer stuff – I wish I could inject it! lol
Anyway, as I was
starting to say before, many many songs I love give me the inspiration for my
books. Or at least the emotional impact I strive to hit between the characters.
Sometimes it's passion, sometimes it's anger, sometimes it's hurt. Sometimes
it's a just-let-it-go feeling. I don't have a specific playlist I listen to
when I write – I keep the ipod (long way from those "cutting edge" CDs!)
on shuffle and just let it flow. I'm doing it now. And wouldn't you know, Bruce
is on – I'm on Fire, in case you're wondering.
In lots of cases,
the song I'm listening to has absolutely nothing to do with my WIP, the
characters or the scene. They're just songs that hit my inner happy place and
keep my creative juices flowing. For instance, Bruce just changed to Johnny Nash's
I Can See Clearly Now. ;)
Anyway, I digress
and ramble, as always. If you've done any reading of this blog, you're surely
familiar with that by now! lol What I wanted to do is share a few lines that hit
my gut in various ways every time I hear them. Check them out – do any get to
you in a visceral way like they do me? After you read through, share your own
favorite songs/lyrics that touch you in ways you simply can't explain, or maybe you can. I have a
free copy of Warrior's Possession for a random commenter, so don't be shy!
So, here's my
first list – and I guarantee, I can come up with at least five or six more! ;)
I give you
everything I own, mind, body and soul
Skin and Bones
The Hazies
It's kind of an
obscure song, but this is what I strive to make every one of my main pairings
feel for each other, no matter what their ulterior and possibly nefarious motives
might be when they first encounter each other. And chances are, they don't
recognize that feeling for quite some time, even if it bites them on the ass in
the moments after the first meet.
This love is
killing me but you're the only one
It's Not Over
This is a tough
one to explain. This affects both hero and heroine. Chances are the heroes have
un-heroic motives toward the heroine, at least at first, and when this
realization kicks in, it's driven by guilt for those un-heroic actions. Kills
him that he claimed her the way he did, but he still won't have done it any other
way, as long as he gets to keep her.
As for the
heroine, she's sharp enough to realize her hero has reasons for being a dick,
but she sees the hero in him, and knows he's the only one
who can share this passion with her, even if she thinks a future for them is
impossible because he's a stubborn idiot! lol
tonight I'll ask the stars above:
How did I ever win your love?
What did I do; What did I say
To turn your angel eyes my way?
How did I ever win your love?
What did I do; What did I say
To turn your angel eyes my way?
Angel Eyes
Jeff Beck
Many of my heroes ask this type of question of themselves
several times. Chances are, they didn't treat their heroine very well to start
off, yet somehow, she recognizes the man he truly is. Takes a few hits upside
the head (so to speak) with the cast-iron frying pan to make him get it. :D
Just for this
As long as you're
Come be who you
want to be and see how bright we shine
As Long as You're
Wicked Soundtrack
I can't really
explain exactly how this one fits, other than it draws on many emotions during the
sexual encounters between my characters. Just for that moment, nothing else
matters except the connection being made on both a physical and emotional
level. They'll deal with the fallout when they have to, they just need to share
their connection in the deepest of ways at that particular moment.
Here's some more:
And giving
yourself to me can never be wrong if the love is true
Let's Get It On
Marvin Gaye
This is one of my
all-time favorite songs ever, for a ton of reasons. The way Marvin used his
voice to convey need and desire sends shivers along my spine.
Honey, I need a
lovin' tender touch
Just move your body close to mine
Make everything alright
Just move your body close to mine
Make everything alright
Runnin' Through
the Fire
Beaver Brown Band
otherwise known as Eddie and the Cruisers
That is just a
seriously hot set of lyrics. ;) And since I picture Michael Pare as Eddie
whenever I hear it is a cherry on top!
Breathe out, so I
can breathe you in
Hold you in
Foo Fighters
Another seriously
hot song – and it hits so many notes on my scale of true love and passion, not
sure I can explain it. Then again, maybe it needs no explanation.
Nobody ever gonna
love you the way that I love you
And I never want to see you doin' without
And I never want to see you doin' without
No Alibis
Eric Clapton
One of the
greatest guitarists of all time. DH and I often debate who comes close to being
on his level. This line is again tied to my heroes – chances are he
is going to explain his actions in such a pathetically poor way, it will take
until the end of the book before the heroine will understand. But he does it only
because he loves her. Bottom line, The End.
you've got to love her, tease her
But most of all you've gotta please her
But most of all you've gotta please her
Her Like a Lady
Brothers and Sister Rose
These lines set
off sparks for me because they speak to the physical relationship
between my characters. If you've read any of my books, you know just how my heroes
like to tease their heroines before ultimately pleasing them. Which they do in
spades! ;)
I feel my
temperature rising
Help me, I'm flaming
I must be a hundred and nine
Burning, burning, burning
And nothing can cool me
Help me, I'm flaming
I must be a hundred and nine
Burning, burning, burning
And nothing can cool me
Burnin' Love
Elvis Presley
Yeah, say what
you will about the hunka hunka lyrics and the man himself (yeah, he was messed
up, but damn he was smoking hot, even in his last days), these lyrics are what
every one of my heroes is feeling as he's making love to his heroine.
Okay, I'm wrapping
it up now, I promise, and if you've made it this far into my ramble, I give you
a lot of credit! lol Seriously, though, tell me what songs/lyrics touch you –
no matter how and you could win yourself a copy of Warrior's
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