Monday, September 29, 2014

Tara Andrews in the Hot Seat Today!

In the spotlight today is Tara Andrews. Tara is a critique partner (and friend) who is celebrating her second release – Her Everything, part of the 1 Night Stand series from Decadent Publishing. I haven't gotten a chance to read it quite yet, but it's on my TBR pile, and I will also review it when I'm done. I do have to say I loved Jill and Blake from Long Overdue, so I have no doubt I will enjoy this one at least as much!

Tara's a busy lady – she has a FT job and is the mom of two adorable tykes, and best of all, she believes in Happily Ever After. Perfect, since we get to read the stories and characters living in her head. Like him! Yum! ;)

And now, take it away, Tara!

When did the writing bug first hit?

I began writing in seventh grade, right after I moved to New York from Virginia.  At the time I was writing really horrible, first person fan-fiction.  Of course, I didn’t recognize it as fan-fiction, I only leaned of that a few years ago.  What can I say, I’m always the last to know.

What inspires you to write?
Music!  I do get a lot of inspiration from music.  Whether it’s a backstory inspired by lyrics, or the way a tempo sets a scene up in my mind.  It’s no wonder music plays a role in my newest release, Her Everything.  Sister to a pop star meets front man to her favorite band.

What was the most valuable piece of advice you received when you first started your pursuit of publication?

Join my local RWA chapter.  The advice was given to me by Karen Hawkins through Facebook messaging.  I wish I did it years earlier.  The experience and support offered by this group is invaluable and really has helped me develop as a writer.

Where's your ideal writing space?

I used to write at the kitchen table, which offered too many distractions (and not to mention calories).  Recently I set up a desk in my bedroom – a room with a door!  Ideally, sure, I’d love to have a small office to transform into a writer’s dream, but I’m enjoying the peace and quiet - so that’s pretty darn close to ideal in my book.

What was your favorite childhood game/toy? What happened to it?

The very first thing that popped into my head was my Texas Instrument Speak & Spell.  Picture a Home Depot orange, 2 inch thick tablet with a built in handle.  The raised letter buttons took up about 2/3 of the front, leaving room for 3 inches of black screen that displayed blue, block letters.  Its robotic voice spoke the letters of the word you spelled correctly or told you to ‘try again’.  I loved that toy so much I must’ve worn it out.  One day it just stopped working and the newer version I got as a replacement (with its flat, boring letters) just wasn’t the same.

Coffee or tea?


Which childhood memory is your favorite? Why?

I’m not sure; I’d have to ask my sister.  LOL.  Seriously, I have a terrible memory when it comes to my childhood.  My sister would ask me something like, do you remember mining for gold on vacation?  Uh, no.  Then, after many attempts to prod my memory, I’d either relent with an ‘oh, yeah’ (more like ‘yeah, right’), or she’d finally give up. 

Aside from a specific memory though, I had a dog named Bowser, a miniature German Shepard with a curled tail that hinted at a touch of Husky.  I just loved that dog!  I would have to say he’s my favorite memory.

Chocolate or vanilla?

Dark chocolate.  Preferably Lindt. :)

What's the one thing you had the chance to do but didn't, and wish you could go back and do it this time?

Part of me would have liked to have gone right to college following high school.  But I also think things turned out pretty well for me professionally from working my way up through the ranks.  I do think I missed out on a lot of college experiences, though.  I think that more than anything makes me wonder, what if?

How would you react if you lost your cell phone?

I would be fine… for about an hour.

Do you believe in ghosts and other supernatural creatures (vampires, witches, werewolves)? Have you ever encountered any?

Can’t say I believe in vampires, witches, or werewolves, but aliens… now that’s a different story.  Never encountered any, but there are a few ancient astronaut theories out there that make me go hmmmm.

Beer/Wine or liquor?

Amaretto and soda is my favorite drink.  An old boyfriend of mine got tired of ordering beers for me I’d never drink, so he introduced me to this little gem.  It’s, coincidentally, the drink my heroine orders in Her Everything.  She also notes the hero’s eyes are the color of the amaretto she favors.  And he is just as yummy!

Here's where you can find Tara on the web:

Twitter: @tara_andrews1

And here's where you can get Her Everything:

And don't forget to stop by tomorrow to read an excerpt from Her Everything!


  1. Hi Tara!!! And we're so glad you joined your local RWA because you're sooooo much fun!!!! I don't have an office with a door. And I LOVE chocolate, too. Any kind of chocolate....

    Can't wait to party with you and J at NJRWA!!

    Congrats on your release! It's on my Kindle!

  2. Thank you, Wendy! I hope you enjoy it.

    I'm looking so forward to NJRWA!! It'll be an awesome time.

  3. Tara, Finally got here. These are hectic times recently. Will be reading your book as soon as I'm ready for contemporary again
